Summerston Childcare Family Learning Centre
Children & Young People
Summerston Childcare Family Learning Centre is based in Bellcraig Community Centre in Summerston and is operational during the following times: - Monday-Friday 0800-1800 hours throughout the year - The service is closed on all public and janitorial holidays as per Glasgow City Council conditions.- We have 3 in-service days training per year and dates of same shall be notified to all users in advance. Priority is given to children referred to us from partner organisations based on level of need. Other available places shall be allocated as available. We provide care and education for children aged 0-5 years. Our children aged 0-2 years follow the Pre-Birth to Three guidance. Our children aged 3-5 years follow the Curriculum for Excellence. All of our staff are first aid trained and attend additional courses such as autism awareness, understanding children's emotions and working with babies.
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10 Gorstan St, Glasgow G23 5QA